Wilson Sonsini - ECVC

Amy Caiazza

Partner, Washington, D.C.

clients I've worked with

  • Blockstack
  • Upstart
  • StockX
  • CrowdStreet
  • Cult Wines
  • Peer Street

Getting To Know Me

  • Q: Why do you like working with early stage companies?
    I love a challenge, and startup clients are constantly innovating, which makes it fun to work with them
  • Q: What is your proudest accomplishment with a client?
    I've been able to secure unprecedented regulatory approval for many clients offering new investment products
  • Q: Best advice you have for an entrepreneur?
    "Move fast and break things" isn't the best strategy for regulated investment products
  • Q: How do you spend your free time?
    I play keyboard in a rock band and hang out with my teenage kids
  • Q: If you had a superpower, what would it be?
    To be more than one place at once!
  • Q: If you weren't an attorney, what would you like to be?
    A rock star of course