Wilson Sonsini - ECVC

Jennifer Fang

Partner, Boston

Get To Know Me

  • Q: Why do you like working with early stage companies?
    I love working with good people who are tackling challenging problems and building innovative solutions to address unmet needs and ultimately improve the world. Every day my clients inspire me and give me hope for a better future.
  • Q: How do you spend your free time?
    Last year it was reading, getting educated about racial and social justice, and searching for small businesses around the country that provide unique gifts to my friends and family. This year, I'm learning to scuba dive (just my advanced certification), salsa (as part of a virtual dance team) and hopefully sailing this summer.
  • Q: What was your most challenging deal?
    Things like aggressive timelines, multiple parties with diverging interests, inexperienced parties, and deal complexity are fairly typical, but what makes a deal most challenging is when someone is not being transparent, trustworthy or acting in good faith. Thankfully, I don't come across too many of those.
  • Q: What was your most memorable travel experience?
    Heading to a small beach town, taking a boat ride in the middle of the night with a bunch of strangers, to a super dark lagoon, then getting into the water to swim among glowing dinoflagellates. It was magical.
  • Q: If you weren't an attorney, what would you like to be?
    There's so many possibilities....entrepreneur, electrician, travel blogger...