Wilson Sonsini - ECVC

Event detail

Acquiring or Selling the Privately Held Company 2021

Our experienced faculty will walk you through all of the steps associated with acquiring and selling a privately held company, whether it is a large independent corporation, a division or subsidiary of a large public company, or a smaller venture capital-backed or family-owned entrepreneurial enterprise. You will learn about the special issues that apply when a private equity firm is the buyer or owns the target company, and about the techniques and strategies that are essential to successful negotiations. You will also gain an understanding of the key employee benefits, labor and employment, and intellectual property issues that arise and how to address them. Plus you will learn about special diligence concerns involving international deals, including FCPA, AML, tax and labor issues.

Wilson Sonsini partner Katherine Henderson will be speaking in the session "Earn-outs and Fiduciary Duties in Private Transactions" on May 13th.

Speaking Engagements
May 13, 2021 Thursday